The Eccoloh Power 127 is going to reshape the way electricity is consumed

POWER 127h

The Power 127h is a one or two phase system designed for home use.  Our Power 127h guarantees a 75% discount on your electric bill.

POWER 127b

The Power 127b is a two or three phase system designed for business use. Our Power 127b guarantees a 40% discount on your electric bill.

Carbon SAVINGs

The Power 127 cuts the electric bill by 75%.  But, the inverse is also true: the Power 127 cuts the need to produce 75% of our existing electric consumption. This will drastically reduce our individual carbon footprint, and help reduce global warming.

ECCOLOH POWER 127 - info



The Eccoloh Power 127 delivers unprecedented monthly savings on electric costs. Our new energy technology delivers 75% savings on a monthly basis, every month, year after year. We guarantee the savings from the day the electrician installs the system in your home or business, your savings will grow steadily every billing cycle. Should a power interruption occur, The Power 127 includes battery reserve technology that delivers at least 18 hours of backup power to a full household. The energy savings, along with the power backup reserve, deliver the most valuable power wall service available in the world today. The kilowatt-hours your family or business uses remain the same. Eccoloh uses recycling technology that loops back energy and recycles it in order to save your family or business valuable money. The more power used, the more efficient your savings become.

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Our breakthrough technology provides never before seen results in the energy marketplace. We integrate into single phase, dual phase or triple phase electrical installations. The Power 127 is the size of a large suitcase, for easy installation between the electric meter and your breaker box. The Eccoloh Power 127 does not require maintenance, and is guaranteed to run smoothly and provide reserve backup power and savings for years to come. The Power 127 drastically cuts the users carbon footprint as it delivers what could be the single most beneficial device known to man. The Eccoloh Model 127 is a cloud managed system.  This delivers a cloud based reporting service with daily, weekly, and yearly reports on energy and carbon savings, in a full easy-to-understand graphic report.

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The most progressive breakthrough in Electrical Engineering since Nikola Tesla, the Eccoloh Power 127 redefines PowerWall solutions by not only storing energy but recycling energy. Our recycling technology will cut our customers energy costs by AT LEAST 75%. Other power wall solutions deliver reserve power and allows customers to purchase energy during off peak hours to store electricity in their PowerWall batteries.  Eccoloh’s recycling technology delivers DC energy storage at NO Extra cost.  The battery charging technology in the Eccoloh Power 127 is a byproduct of the recycling circuits. So, our system cuts the bill by at least 75% and charges the batteries for free. 

The technology in the Power 127 is revolutionary as it comes close to breaking the laws of thermodynamics. We back up all of our declarations with rock solid guarantees that include the minimal 75% savings in the electric bill, and no cost charging of the batteries.

No other PowerWall technology in the world comes close to delivering what Eccoloh delivers. We are safe, maintenance free and driven by never before seen electric recycling technology.

With our technology electric utilities can benefit by using Eccoloh Power Solutions to cut energy production costs along with residential and business customers. When Eccoloh is in the complete energy cycle the world can cut production costs by great percentages allowing energy production to be focused on green technologies that will eventually save our planet. Wether the goal is saving the planet of saving money, either way, Eccoloh is the solution.




The Eccoloh Engineering team grew from genius and necessity out of Tegucigalpa Honduras where our engineers had to live with very unreliable electric service. Our lead engineer developed solutions out of necessity. Our pending patents outline the technological advances that will change the way we use electricity for years to come. The ground breaking technology that drives our Power 127 units will change the world.

After much debate, we choose the name "Eccoloh Power 127" because besides being electrical engineers we are Computer Engineers and every network device has an internal address that is known as the loopback address. The loopback address or local host address is As our systems main functionality revolves around recycling the energy that flows though our unit  or loops-back the energy that flows through the unit, we decided on the name Power 127.

As part of our upcoming Kickstarter campaign we will be presenting a few different options for our external housing so that our customers can be involved in the design options of the housing, and colors.

Many companies claim to save customers money by switching utility providers or by installing alternative green energy systems. The difference between those companies and Eccoloh is at Eccoloh we deliver direct savings via our recycling IP immediately after a qualified electrician installs the Power 127. The installation is between the Utility company's meter and the breaker box and should take no more then 1 hour to complete the installation.

The Power 127 is safe to use and requires no maintenance and doesn't require any climate control in order to achieve maximum levels of performance. We guarantee the minimal 75% savings directly from your monthly electric bill with the same kilowatt hour usage and we guarantee the revolutionary performance of our battery module with $0.00 charging costs.